Thursday, March 5, 2015

Frozen Eggs

I don't know if you can tell from the photo to the left, but these eggs are frozen.  At first this morning I thought I had broken eggs from traveling with them in our RV refrigerator. The cracked shells were the first hint something was wrong. Then I discovered the eggs had not leaked into their storage container.  Alas, do I throw out half a dozen eggs?

No, I decided.  I will play with them and see how they cook up.  A few seconds under warm tap water and the shells came right off.  I put them into my egg poacher and set it for a little longer cooking time and let the poacher do its magic.

Amazingly, the eggs cooked up perfectly!  And they tasted great too.  So that is the lesson of frozen eggs.  You can use them!  I have not tested making anything else with eggs in this specific condition, but who knows?  Maybe there are other preparations that will work with frozen eggs.  Who knew?  The other question is:  "Is this a way to preserve eggs?"

The final product is pictured below.  Yummy breakfast on the road.

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