Thursday, January 19, 2017

It's the Little Things

Jim has installed a “weather station” on the peak of our roof.  Facing easterly, it meets the onslaught of weather like a brave soldier.  Collecting a multitude of weather data, the little unit can transmit wirelessly to its companion unit sitting on Jim’s desk.  We can now know the wind direction and speed, the amount of precipitation received, temperature, humidity, barometer readings, and more, on a 24/7 basis.  The data from our little station is also transmitted to our computer which sends its information to Jim’s cell phone, as well as an online weather site.

Then there’s an electronic device I received this week that is only slightly larger than my thumbnail.  Called a bone assisted hearing apparatus or BAHA, it literally snaps on to an “abutment” implanted in the bone of my skull enabling it to transmit sound from the left side of my environment (my deaf side) to my right, hearing ear.  I can now hear sounds from both sides of my surroundings.  The BAHA also connects via blue tooth to my iPhone allowing me to hear conversations through it that I receive on my cell phone.  Additionally, it has the ability to receive sound from a small speaker Jim, or anyone I choose, can attach to a shirt while sitting across the table from me in a noisy room such as a restaurant.  There’s even the possibility of it being utilized to my benefit by a speaker in a class room or meeting, if I can convince them to wear it for me.  Designed for people with single-sided deafness, it is another marvel of modern technology.  It brings new meaning to the phrase, “Can you hear me now?”

We have a new group of little infant bunnies to enjoy!  I discovered them when they began to appear briefly during the warmer moments of recent days.  So far I have seen two.  One is gray and the other is light brown—the tiniest of additions to our rabbit family.  We have noted that they seem to escape the cold through an entrance to a covered and possibly underground den beneath the corner of a neighbor’s outdoor shed.  These little creatures wisely escape the elements there, and then emerge to delight and entertain us merely by their existence when the weather becomes tolerable.  I have read recently that it is healthy for older people, especially those in rehab, to have a view of the outdoors and wildlife.  We are well blessed with both elements in our home here.  Possibly this is what brings me such joy on a daily basis.

1 comment:

  1. Jim's device sounds like fun and interesting. Yours sounds absolutely fantastic. So happy for you both. Love Carolyn
