Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday Night Date

Jim and I decided to hit the road and take a drive to Edison west of Mount Vernon for a Friday night date.  In the process, we stopped in at a great bakery, devoured a burger with a dark ale, and then drove around Samish Island-a first time for either of us.  The evening was glorious with blue sky, wispy clouds and a cool breeze.  Even Mt. Baker made a showing with its peak wrapped in clouds.
When we got out of our car in the little burg called Edison, you could smell the bread.  In spite of the draw toward Longhorn Saloon, we could not resist purchasing a loaf of bread first from Breadfarm to take home.  They were making dough on a huge table beyond the counter as the clerk handed over our freshly sliced loaf making it difficult to walk away without any of the other delectables displayed on the sales counter.  It is definitely a must visit place in the future.

The saloon's outdoor patio overlooks a slough in the rear of the building and seems to be favored by bikers.  Its picnic tables were filled to capacity.  We opted for inside and a large booth for our meal-a Longhorn Burger.  It was delicious with all of the mandatory toppings and served with a good measure of curly fries.  Add an ale, damn the diet, and we were in food heaven.

Across the street from us, a building with a store called the Lucky Dumpster had the following saying painted on an exterior wall, "Anyone who isn't CONFUSED really doesn't UNDERSTAND the situation." and a window displaying whimsical fish.  It is a purveyor of pottery, jewelry, T-shirts, and a variety of interesting ceramic creatures, among other things we discovered after our meal.  With the door wide open, there was not a clerk in sight?  So we wandered through briefly and then got on our way.

Following the coast of Samish Bay, we drove out to Samish Island past houses of all descriptions that must be summer homes to many and year round homes to others.  There's a camp at the end of the road and one chapel and that's it for any sort of enterprise.  The views were spectacular in all directions.

We ended the day at home with a walk and a movie, "Somewhere in Time" with Christopher Reeves.  It was an awesome evening.

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