Monday, January 19, 2015

My Furry Best Friend

Our kitty just spent a week at a "Pet Resort" while we attended a business conference.  When we first adopted him from PetSmart, his name was Matt Meowler until we renamed him Snoopy.  He's lived up to the former name (and his partial Siamese heritage) with ongoing, very verbal conversations he's conducted with us since the first day we brought him home.

We renamed him Snoopy however because he likes investigating everything and every day there is a circuit to travel in the house to ascertain that all is well within his world.  He also got the name because we love the Charles Schultz "Snoopy" cartoon character.  (Yes, I know his was a dog!)

For two hours after we all arrived home today, Snoopy "told us" about his week in the resort. Actually, we heard about it all the way home in the car as well.  Then came the hugs, cuddling and "hold-me" routines, as he never let us out of his sight over the course of the entire evening.  Finally, he fell asleep between our knees in one or the other of our two recliners until all three of us headed to our bedroom for the night.

Studies have shown that pets provide both a psychological and physical boost to their owners.  There is an organization that helps seniors get a dog or cat that is called Pets for the Elderly Foundation and they will accept donations for their efforts.  The facts surrounding the benefits of pet ownership are astounding.
I have to ask myself following Snoopy's display of affection and relief at being returned to his familiar surroundings, "How could anyone say animals don't have feelings?"  I know I probably attribute more to Snoopy than the average scientist would give him credit for when it comes to feelings, but I swear I heard and felt his attachment to us and our world last night.

I also swear he can smile.    

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