Friday, January 16, 2015


Life is often like looking down a long hallway.  Unless you get everything lined up, you can lose your perspective.  There have been times (many times) in my life when I have been so busy trying to focus way down the hall in an attempt to predict where I was going, that I missed what was right in front of me. 
I wanted to know and control what was at the end of the hall so desperately, I did not experience (nor enjoy sometimes) what was just two steps ahead of me in the present.  Remaining in the present is one of the hardest tasks I have attempted  to master in life (mostly without success.) Looking back over my life, I wonder how different my experience might have been if I had not concentrated solely on reaching the end of the hall.  Were there good rooms I've missed along the way?  I will never know. But certainly I can start noticing the two feet in front of me before life's hallways no longer stretch out before me.

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