Saturday, March 26, 2016

An Easter Celebration

This is our first holiday in our new home.  The opportunity to spend Easter with my family is something I hold close to my heart after years of traveling and living too far away to share special holiday times with them.

One of my greatest regrets in life are the choices I've made over the years to live miles and states away from them.  Though the reasons were justifiable I felt at the time, the years have passed and now I find myself on the other end of the spectrum of life with the endgame in sight.  To me, the value of sharing time has now become immeasurable.

The older I get, the more I wish to recreate the memories of my youth-especially my holiday memories.  Holidays were a big event for my mother and she made every one special when we were young.  On Easter, my brother and I always came downstairs to find two elaborate Easter baskets on the dining room table.  A proverbial massive chocolate bunny or coconut egg would be nestled into in the middle of a green "grass" nest in the basket, along with a collection of even more foil wrapped candy animals and jelly beans.

Coming from a childhood where her parents chose to divorce when she was only 12 years old, and left solely in the care of her 17 year old sister, my mother created in our lives the special events and security she had been denied as a child.  Now as I recreate those same baskets and feel my brother's arms about me, I love the chance to make yet a few more memories that will carry me back in time to our childhood.  And for this new home, I am grateful.

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