Friday, March 4, 2016

Tulip Tree

Speaking of tulips... we have a tulip tree in our yard.  The tulip tree is a member of the magnolia family of trees and its blooms resemble the shape of a tulip.  The blooms greet spring before the tree's leaves sprout.

Each day something new blooms in our yard and I am amazed at the variety of plants someone nurtured here. Though the yard has been neglected for months following the relocation of the previous owner to a nursing home, the potential of the yard speaks volumes.

I can hardly wait to move from remodeling and painting into gardening.  Memories return of the joy of what seasons can offer in variety and color gleaned from a palette of barren earth.

I relish the potential of what the yard surrounding our new home will yield with each coming season, and with each new year, as I coax this ground back to its glory.

This is what satisfaction is grown from-the toil of one's hands amid the miracle of nature.  I remember, and my soul rejoices.

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