Saturday, March 5, 2016

Shed Takes Shape

In the process of settling into our new home, we’ve focused on one of our priority tasks to accomplish—the repair of our outdoor storage shed with its workbench for tools.  With tons of potential remodeling to be done inside the house, the workbench will be well utilized as soon as completion of the walls makes it accessible.

New pink insulation and wallboard are in place, the messy job of "mudding the wallboard" and finally the painting have all been completed at this point in the shed.  My brother, Bill, and Jim have been at this project for days.

Now complete, and after we assemble some more shelves the organization of numerous plastic boxes we’ve packed and moved here containing those “must-haves” that never seem to go away but are rarely used can begin.  Add to those the once-per-year accessed items—mostly Christmas decorations that I swore I’d downsize before moving (but never managed to) and—well, you get the picture.  Maybe this year after the holidays that will happen…
While the guys have been wrapped up in the shed repairs, I have pressed on with painting the kitchen cabinets.  After lots of scrubbing and multiple coats of paint, what was a dark, brown kitchen is evolving into a clean, crisp, white motif with a faux brick backsplash that is shaping up really quite nicely.  The now white enamel painted shelves inside the cabinets look great and I’m ready to put away my collection of kitchen gadgets and dishes.  As any aspiring cook knows:  you can never have enough cooking toys, or the space to stash them!  That’s why I am not allowed to go into a kitchen store!
While I loved the RV life, having a full size kitchen again is delightful.  Becoming “officially retired” means the next step is buying a copy of Julia Child’s cookbook, “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” with the goal of working my way through every page (like in the movie.)  Can you see the smile on my face in your imagination?

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