Friday, March 18, 2016

Greeting a Winter Sunrise

The sun creeps over the hills to the east of my writing/hobby room just after 7 a.m. these days.  I delight in beating dawn to this room and eagerly push open the curtains to await its/her/his arrival (depending upon your preference.)  Most days I am successful in escaping from the lovely dreams swirling through my sleep to achieve this pleasure.

On a clear, cold, winter day occasionally the sky is almost cloudless.  It is then that you can see all of the way to purple foothills to the northeast, and to Mount Baker's hiding spot beyond them.
In just four minutes, the palette of colors spread across the sky changes.  It is only by rising early and watching diligently for the briefest of times that I can savor the changing glory of a new day rising to greet this spot of earth I call home.  Ever inspiring, this is what makes living here so completely awesome.

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