Friday, March 18, 2016

Rufous Hummingbird-Heaven Revealed?

Most likely a Rufous Hummingbird, this little fellow passed through our yard today.  We see them only briefly for a day or two and then they are gone.  Perhaps they are migrating further north?  The attempt to attract them with a red bird feeder filled with sugar-water has been less than successful so far.  But maybe that is what makes each sighting even more precious?  Some of our neighbors claim more success in this endeavor.

Viewed within the course of a migration that begins in Mexico and that may extend up to 3,900 miles one-way all the way to Alaska, you have to admire these little creatures.  At a body length of just over three inches long, that makes their migration travel equal to 78,470,000 times their body length!  Can you imagine doing that twice a year yourself?  Just to walk a mile, yes one mile, I have to traverse the equivalent of my height 946 times.  At best right now all I can do is two miles...  so I'm not going to qualify to accompany hummingbirds on their migrations any time soon!
Other interesting facts:  A hummingbird lives on average up to eight years, can move its wings 52 to 62 times per second, builds a nest typically 30 feet up in the trees, has an excellent memory, and can recall the placement of a nest or feeder from year to year.  There are many more interesting facts if you care to read more by clicking here for a link to the great site I found describing these birds.

The marvels of nature never cease to amaze me.  I am grateful for this opportunity to engage with the beauty that surrounds me.  I have to believe that surely this little bird is a tiny glimpse of Heaven on earth.    

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